FDA/Project Data Sphere Symposium X: Data Sharing
Aaron Mann2021-11-05T12:46:02-04:00November 5, 2021|
FDA and Project Data Sphere (PDS) hosted Symposium X on Data Sharing on September 23rd, 2021. PDS President and CRDSA Board Member Bill Louv opened the session, followed by a keynote address by Rob Califf, and CRDSA Board Member Frank Rockhold from Duke University presented as a panelist on Sustainability Practices in Sharing and Reuse.
The full sessions can be viewed on the PDS website.
Re-Using Clinical Trial Data for Innovation
Aaron Mann2022-01-11T17:41:42-05:00November 1, 2021|
As part of a roundtable at September’s DIA Global Clinical Trial Disclosure and Data Transparency Conference, CRDSA’s Aaron Mann shared his thoughts on how the secondary use of clinical trial data will power innovation in 2022 and beyond.
GA4GH 9th Plenary: Building Bridges to Industry and Clinical Care Panel
Aaron Mann2021-10-13T12:44:29-04:00October 13, 2021|
Bron Kisler participated in the GA4GH 9th Plenary Meeting as a presenter and panelist – Building Bridges to Industry and Clinical Care Panel. Bron provided an overview of CRDSA and Work Streams, highlighted challenges faced by data contributors and users across clinical research, and identified opportunities for the clinical research and genomics communities to work together to improve data sharing for the benefit of patients.
CRDSA: A New Collaboration to Advance Clinical Research Data Sharing
Aaron Mann2021-09-28T09:54:56-04:00September 28, 2021|
The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) features Virginia Nido, CRDSA and ACRP Board Member, talks about the importance of clinical trial data-sharing and why CRDSA was formed to help make the process easier for research professionals.
The 3-Step Approach To Unlock The Power of Historical Trial Data
Aaron Mann2021-09-07T16:09:51-04:00September 7, 2021|
Jules Desmond, Liz Roberts, and Aaron Mann co-authored this article in Clinical Leader on building COVID-19 data sharing commitments to unlock the power of shared clinical data to transform R&D.